How to reset your quick code

If you forgot your quick code, follow the steps below to reset and set a new quick code. Make sure you still have the recovery file which is downloaded right after you set up your NODO account and quick code.

The system will check if the recovery file matches with your account and automatically apply the quick code change if it matches.

  1. At, click on your profile on the top right corner, then go to Settings

  2. On the right side, click Change Quick Code

  3. Click Forgot Pin Code

  4. Upload the recovery file. The file name will be in the format:

nodo-wallet-recovery-XXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX.txt where X represents numbers.

  1. Review if you have uploaded the correct recovery file by checking the wallet address and balance. Then click Confirm balance

  2. Set new quick code and re-enter it to confirm.

The system will check if the recovery file matches with your account and automatically apply the quick code change if it matches.

Last updated