⬆️NODO XP Shares


Boost engagement, participation, and accurate price discovery in the predictions market through a liquidity mining program.


Users earn XP shares for activities such as market creation, trading, and community contributions.

  • These XP shares can be staked to earn more shares over time.

  • XP Shares have 0 net present value at maturity

  • XP Shares will have a set peg against USDT upon airdrop eligibility in Q1 Q2 2025

  • XP Shares are exclusively only for NODO $GEM hodlers & users

XP Shares Staking Mechanism

  • Staking: Users stake XP shares to earn more shares over time.

  • Rewards: Distributed based on staking duration and amount.

  • Security: Controlled via smart contracts for transparency and security.

XP Shares Redemption Mechanism

  • Airdrop Date: XP shares can be redeemed in a specific airdrop in Q1 Q2 2025

  • User Credibility Score: Based on Holder XP Shares multiplied by a Multiplier.

Last updated