How to Make Predictions

To make predictions, you need to Buy Shares using USDT (Polygon or Avalanche) or GEMS. You can also make strategic early profits from your predictions in real-time before the poll concludes via the "Sell Shares" feature as well.

How to Buy Shares

On the main feed, you can browse all of the topics available on NODO and filter by topics, time of upload, and ending time. You can view the status of each topic’s prediction pool which consists of the total prediction amount made by all participants. Topics can have more than just a Yes vs No answer; they can also be multiple choice and each choice will have its own Yes and No. In topics with just Yes and No, you will be able to see the percentage of players voting on each answer, aka the current odds.

  1. On, find the topic that interests you, then click on the answer you choose

  2. Inside the topic, on the right-hand side under Buy, input the purchase amount to see the potential returns and total fee. Then click Review.

  3. Click Buy on the popup, then input your quick code to complete the purchase

After that, you will be able to check the history of predictions (positions) you have made via View Positions or continue to Explore Polls. Inside your position history (My Positions), you can also buy more shares of the same answer.

How to Sell Shares

Even before the prediction topic reaches its conclusion, you can sell your position at any time to make a profit or simply to get your GEMS back. You can sell shares natively on the main feed. In the case of selling shares you previously bought, via your Positions feed so you can have a quick view of your potential profit gained and easy access to past predictions. You can access My Positions by clicking the menu icon on

  1. Click Sell under the topic and answer you choose

  1. Input the amount to sell to see the potential returns and total fee, then click Review

  2. Click Sell on the popup, then input your quick code to complete the purchase

Last updated